
We started offering breathwork circles in late 2023 (see below for next dates). As we enter 2025, we will start offering 1- and 2-day workshops for more in-depth processing. See details on the first 2-day workshop right below.

Breathwork Deep-Dive Weekend
Two intense days to meet yourself, under the surface!
In this deep-dive workshop, we use circular breathwork, meditation in movement and ‘inner voice’ practices to explore feelings, insights and resources in you that may have been pushed aside, and to honour parts of yourself that want to be seen.
Where: The workshop takes place in the Alte Seilerei Frankfurt (Offenbacher Landstrasse 190).
When: February 22-23. We begin at 10.30 on Saturday, and end around 15:00 on Sunday.
Investment: 250 Euro.
If you have questions or want to sign up, you can do that via the contact form on the website, or by sending an email to!
Breathwork circle Frankfurt
Every two months, we offer breathwork in a group setting. Sessions take place on Saturday evening 18.00 – 20.00, including a one-hour breathwork session as well as group sharing before and after the session. Breathwork circles operate on a donation basis, we suggest a contribution of 30-35 Euro.
Currently, our breathwork circles take place at the Alte Seilerei, Frankfurt (Offenbacher Landstraße 190, 60599). Next dates:
Jan 18
April 26
June 21
Aug 23
Details will be added here and in our facebook community. Please get in touch with us if you are interested!
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